Industrial Robot

An identification benchmark dataset for a full robot movement with a KUKA KR300 R2500 ultra SE industrial robot is presented. It is a robot with a nominal payload capacity of 300 kg, a weight of 1120 kg, and a reach of 2500mm. It exhibits 12 states accounting for position and velocity for each of the 6 joints. The robot encounters backlash in all joints, pose-dependent inertia, pose-dependent gravitational loads, pose-dependent hydraulic forces, pose- and velocity-dependent centripetal and Coriolis forces as well as nonlinear friction, which is temperature-dependent and therefore potentially time-varying. Prepared datasets for black-box identification of the forward or the inverse robot dynamics are provided. Additional to the data for the black-box modeling, we supply high-frequency raw data and videos of each experiment. A baseline and figures of merit are defined to make results comparable across different identification methods.

All the provided files and information on the industrial robot dataset can be found here (most recent problem description), here (data, contains also the outdated problem description), and in this presentation

Special thanks to Jonas Weigand and co-authors for creating and sharing this benchmark!


Please refer to the Industrial Robot dataset as:

J. Weigand, J. Götz, J. Ulmen, and M. Ruskowski, Dataset and Baseline for an Industrial Robot Identification Benchmark, 6th Edition of the Workshop on Nonlinear System Identification Benchmarks, Leuven, Belgium, 2022.